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Citrus Fruits

Go from 'Surviving to Thriving' in
8 weeks!


How many of the following apply to you?

High Blood pressure
Elevated cholesterol
Pre Diabetes
Thyroid issues
Brain Fog
Gut issues, eg. IBS
Hormonal Imbalances
Excess weight that won't shift
Poor circulation
Addiction to sugar, alcohol, salty or fatty foods

It seems just about everyone you speak to these days is struggling with at least one health concern.

How many of you have been told 'It's your age', or 'It's in your genes', with drugs and their various side effects being the only solutions offered, leaving you feeling helpless and resigned to the situation for life?

Well the good news is, it's neither your age or your genes!
All you need is knowledge and support to help you return to better health.

Maybe you're not suffering from poor health, but want to perform at your best physically, mentally and emotionally and want to learn
 how to optimise your physiology to be the best version of you possible.

We are designed to THRIVE!!


Join me on my new 8 week course which addresses all your health concerns with a bespoke nutritional program designed to rebalance body chemistry and physiology from a unique, genetically determined perspective.
Combined with the natural healing powers of Mother Nature you will experience good health like never before and become the best version of you possible.

What to expect:

60 minute initial consultation to determine your goals, explain how your test biomarkers are impacting your health and discuss your plan.

Your DNA methylation test explained

Analysis of your 7 day food diary and incremental, sustainable improvement advice.

11 weekly online accountability meetings to discuss progress and challenges.

WhatsApp chat group for daily support from me and camaraderie with fellow group members.

Lifestyle advice, training new habits.

Recipes and menu planning ideas.

Bespoke supplement program based on your DNA requirements
Your contribution; for the best results
you must...

  • Purchase a saliva DNA methylation test kit. From £150
  • Obtain full blood count test results from your GP. 
  • Order and take the supplements prescribed.
  • Follow dietary advice provided and report any challenges so that I may help you.​
  • Carry out lifestyle recommendations as given.​
  • Attend weekly accountability meetings.

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Your results...

More energy!
Improved digestion!
Weight loss.. if needed!
Mental clarity!
Better mood and stable emotions!
A good night's sleep!

Healthier skin, hair and nails!

No cravings, no addictions!

More flexibility, better range of movement!

Less pain and inflammation!

Improved biomarkers from baseline full blood count test!

Improved health and longevity!

Guaranteed, or your money back!
(If you follow my advice).
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