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Gut Health and Mental Wellness 

Grass Texture

All disease begins in the gut...

And so does immunity, mood and good health!

We all know how stress affects the tummy don't we?


Nervous tummies in children

Butterflies in the stomach when we're excited or anxious

'Sick to the stomach' when shock or grief affects us and disables our appetite


Equally, the health of the gut affects our mind and mood due to the vagus nerve which links the two.


So poor digestive health can lead to:


  • Low mood

  • Depression 

  • Anxiety

  • Food cravings

  • And makes us more susceptible to stress; it's a viscous circle which cannot be stopped without first healing the gut!


Any digestive problems including indigestion, autoimmune diseases, food intolerances and symptoms of IBS need our attention to ensure nutrients are properly absorbed, and a healthy microbiome is maintained.


​There is also much research now which links microbiome diversity to longevity, metabolism, mood, how we respond to stress, weight, the ability to fight viruses and bacterial infections, and even the condition of our skin!


All this in addition to breaking down fibre and ensuring a healthy process of elimination!



8 weeks to a healthy Gut.jpeg

Need my help?


  • Identify the foods contributing to your digestive problems

  • Eliminate Constipation, Diarrhoea, Bloating, Indigestion, Reflux

  • Lifestyle advice to reduce stress and improve digestion

  • Advice on nutraceuticals and probiotics to accelerate the healing process

  • Test for microbial diversity if required; see exactly what is going on in your gut!

  • Replace the beneficial bacteria missing

  • Boost your immune system

  • Balance hormones

  • Increase energy, sleep better

  • Improve mental clarity, memory and focus


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